Designed for trail runners, by trail runners. Wearing it has been very special to me, as the promotion of veganism is the reason I am actually out there running in the first place, demonstrating to the world that veganism is not prohibitive to any form of extreme endurance challenge. n: the go-to worldwide app for trail and ultra runners of all kinds. I have always been proud to put on this vest and place in the top 20 of London, Berlin and the Great North Run.

It's become a real global community of people proudly showcasing the idea of running for a reason, and the green-and-black vest is now spotted on just about every start line you see anywhere you might be. At the outset, it had only a tiny number of members – watching it grow in the years since to one of the biggest running clubs in the UK and a support resource for so many new runners, vegans and all those interested in a vegan lifestyle has been amazing. I don't know whether you can call it a 'racing achievement', but it is a direct result of my running so I hope it counts – it has to be co-founding Vegan Runners in 2004, affiliating it as a recognised UKA running club.